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Cost of an email-borne security attack can on average exceed US$1 million

Intelligent CIO

An international study from Barracuda Networks shows that 69% of successful ransomware attacks start with an email.

Barracuda Networks, a trusted partner and leading provider of cloud-first security solutions, has published its 2023 Email Security Trends report that shows how email-based security attacks affect organisations around the world.

A total of 75% of the organisations surveyed for the report had fallen victim to at least one successful email attack in the last 12 months, with those affected facing average potential costs of more than US$1 million for their most expensive attack. 23% said that the cost of email-based attacks has risen dramatically over the last year.

The survey, conducted by independent research firm Vanson Bourne and commissioned by Barracuda, questioned IT professionals from frontline to the most senior roles in companies with 100 to 2,500 employees, across a range of industries in the US and EMEA and APAC countries.


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