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Why Mercedes Benz Is Building the Operating System for In-Car Payments


The idea of the car as a software platform on wheels is not new. The idea of the car as a commerce operating system is. Mercedes Benz, which traces its history to 1886 and Karl Benz’s creation of the first combustion engine in Germany, is developing an in-house eCommerce ecosystem, complete with its own operating system.

E-commerce may have started on the web, “but now it’s shifting to the vehicle,” Mercedes pay CEO Nico Kersten told PYMNTS’ Karen Webster,

First introduced in 2018, Mercedes pay was designed to give Mercedes owners an easy, secure, one-click-esque way to purchase services and products, including software upgrades.


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The FRPA alert system distinguishes us from other groups by gathering and providing information to law enforcement, retailers AND financial institutions.

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