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2023 IC3 Elder Fraud Report

Every day, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) receives thousands of complaints reporting a wide array of scams, many of them targeting the elderly. In 2023,
total losses reported to the IC3 by those over the age of 60 topped $3.4 billion, an almost 11% increase in reported losses from 2022. There was also a 14% increase in complaints filed with IC3 by elderly victims. However, these numbers do not fully capture the frauds and scams targeting this vulnerable cross-section of our population, as only about half of the more than 880,000 complaints received by IC3 in 2023 included age data. The FBI is publishing the 2023 IC3 Elder Fraud Annual Report in hopes of shining a spotlight on the frauds and scams impacting those over 60 and preventing not only future victimization but also revictimization.

2023 IC3 Elder Fraud Report


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