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State Police Looking for Contacts in India

All Members

I am contacting you to ask for help from the FRPA members or LEAs regarding Identity Crimes/Scams/Elder Exploitation (IDSEE). We are currently involved in a high-tech crime investigation that necessitates the execution of a legal seizure involving cryptocurrency assets.

We would like help serving the legal process in Bandra East, Mumbai City, Maharashtra, India 400051.

Given the complexity and sensitive nature of cryptocurrency investigations, local law enforcement cooperation is critical. If any members or LEA have contacts within the Mumbai law enforcement community or can provide guidance on agencies experienced in handling digital asset cases, your support would be invaluable to our efforts. 

Basically, we need someone from that area to serve our legal process, and we are working on this with the FBI and others.

Your quick help and any recommendations you can give will greatly enhance our ability to conduct this seizure effectively and by local legal protocols.

This involves the elderly and the loss of retirement funds traced to Mumbai.  If LEAs have the same or similar, let's compare files.

Thank you in advance for your help and support. Please feel free to reach out to me directly with any relevant information or contact information.

Best regards,

Special Agent  Wesley M. Paul

Virginia State Police

Bureau of Criminal Investigation

Fairfax Field Office

Office: (703) 803-2656

Cell:     (571) 565-5433


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