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‘I've never seen anything like this’: 35 strangers fraudulently added to California woman's Chase credit card as authorized users with the power to charge up to $19K

Money Wise

When Jodi Hayes went on a cruise in August, she didn’t expect to discover that 35 strangers were added onto her Marriott Bonvoy Chase Bank credit card account while she was away.

But that’s exactly what happened to the Walnut Creek, California, woman: 35 credit cards, all in other people’s names, started to arrive in her mailbox while she was on vacation — each with the ability to charge up to $19,000 on her card or get $950 cash back.

"I know I have good credit, but I've never seen anything like this ever," Hayes told ABC7 News — San Francisco. “This fiasco ruined the end of our vacation.”

Hayes immediately contacted Chase from the cruise ship after an email from the U.S. Postal Service Informed Delivery program alerted her to the issue, but she was left frustrated by the response.

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