Graphic Media Alliance

Complete Story


Scam Alert!

We have received a recent alert from our collection agency, Printing Industry Credit Bureau (PICB), about a sudden rise in members being targeted by an east coast operation. The “owner” recently even mentioned using printers in Ohio and possibly Michigan. These are typically very large catalog, magazine or non-profit print jobs and you need to be aware that the printers will not get paid. Andrea has worked on several law suits in Delaware, Maryland and other east coast areas where claims for large losses have been filed. Fortunately, Andrea Schlack, President of PICB,  knows to go after the person responsible, not just phantom entities.

If you have received orders that sound like the above situations, call GMA or PICB (Andrea) right away to see if your customer is legitimate. We can’t specify names here, but have more information to share verbally.


Whether you need training in credit granting procedures, assistance and tools for risk analysis, or professional debt collection of your delinquent accounts, PICB's staff of dedicated managers pledge to provide you superior service at affordable rates.

  • Licensed – Bonded – Effective
  • Contingency Fees
  • Global Debt Recovery

Requests for service forms are available here:

PICB - Collection Services Request

PICB - Credit Risk Assessment

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