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2025 Marilyn D. Harris Research Grant

The International Home Care Nurses Organization offers sincere congratulations to Yuting Xia (Primary Investigator, pictured) and Shanshan Wang and Janelle Yorke, and Yuqian Luo as the recipients of the 2025 Marilyn D. Harris Research Grant for their study, Non-pharmacological interventions to improve the sleep disturbances of people with subjective cognitive decline: A protocol of systematic review and meta-analysis.

Objective of study: To identify, critically appraise, and synthesize existing evidence to determine the effects of non-pharmacological interventions for improving sleep disturbance among people with subjective cognitive decline (SCD). We expect to provide the reliable evidence for professionals and nurses to improve insomnia among people with SCD in home care, and further improve the quality of life for people with SCD in home care and reduce the adverse effects of cognitive decline caused by insomnia.

Yuting Xia (PI) is a first-year PhD student at the school of nursing, the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Her research focuses on improving sleep quality and cognitive function of older adults with cognitive impairment.


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