Founded in 1990, the Louisiana Chemical Industry Alliance (LCIA) is a partnership between plants and suppliers, representing more than 850 members with thousands of employees from Louisiana’s petrochemical industry and related businesses. The LCIA board of directors is governed by 12 top supplier/contractor executives and 11 chemical plant managers.

The LCIA promotes the interests of the chemical industry and related businesses by impacting the legislative process, as well as regulatory agencies, to promote a healthy, globally competitive and growing contractor and supplier community.

LCIA provides firepower and leverage in areas like grassroots advocacy before legislative and regulatory bodies, fundraising for LAMP, the political action committee, and ongoing contact with state and federal elected officials. In all, LCIA is a united voice of industrial plants and small business owners who are the “hometown” friends, voters, and suppliers working to make a living in the chemical/refining marketplace. The strength of the partnership means progress and survival for an industry providing jobs and maintaining a healthy, safe and high-quality of life for Louisiana citizens.