
Search Domains, Goals, and Indicators




GOAL CD1: Create and manage a career plan that meets your career goals.


CD1.K2 INDICATOR of MASTERY: Describe how to develop a career plan (e.g., steps and content)


Several career plan templates are provided that help to structure and guide student career exploration and planning. These career plan templates can serve as a teaching tool, planning tool and a guide for student self-reflection related to academic and career goals as well as steps to take for the student, family members and the career advisor/career counselor as they work together.

 Career Plan TCC

 Career Plan TNCC


Target group:
High School, Community College

Relevant NCDA Resource (if known) -


Submitted by

Celeste Hall

Coordinator of Career Coaching Certification for the Virginia Community College System, NCDA FCD Master Trainer, FCD Instructor, CCSP

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