Complete Story


2020 Annual Meeting CANCELLED


In light of the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic and the Federal Social Distancing Guidelines effective until at least the end of April;                            

The Board of Directors held a conference call meeting today and voted unanimously to cancel our Annual Meeting and Program scheduled for May 4-6, 2020 in Amarillo, Texas. They also unanimously agreed to have the board meeting scheduled for May 4, 2020 via conference call for the purpose of receiving the fiscal financial report, appointing directors to fill expiring terms and elect officers for the coming year the minutes of which will be posted for all members.

In addition they voted to waive any and all late fees for 2020 Membership dues for those who for whatever reason have not yet submitted them. If you have not yet filed for 2020 ($175), we ask you to do so as soon as possible as well as update your statistics on the website.

Send to

Attn.Zane Akins, Sec/Treas
177 Palermo Place
The Villages, FL 32159

And if you have sent annual meeting registration fees, those checks will be voided.

We understand that 2020 will be difficult, but also understand that this too shall pass and we will and must continue our efforts to support and promote the Pedigreed Livestock Industry together.

Look forward to seeing you at the annual meeting in 2021.

Zane Akins Signature

Zane Akins
Secretary/Treasurer, NPLC

177 Palermo Place
The Villages, FL 32159-0094
Phone: 352-259-6005

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