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Intro to Machine Shorthand Program

FREE 6-week introductory program to be offered online

Intro to Machine Shorthand A to Z Program

The A to Z program offers the perfect opportunity for potential students to learn the alphabet in steno, write on a real machine, and decide if pursuing an education in court reporting or captioning is the right choice.

Beginning Info


Click here to inquire as to a future online (or in person) A to Z Intro Program.

Are you a working reporter, captioner and/or instructor?  We need you!

Do you know of someone who may be interested in this free introductory program?  Spread the news about this opportunity!

The A to Z Intro to Machine Shorthand is a program being offered through the OCRA Cardinal Foundation and is being presented entirely by volunteers from within our profession.  And we need your help!

Do you have an older steno machine in the closet collecting dust?  What about ink cartridges, pads of unused paper, paper trays, etc., that you'd be willing to part with?  

Sponsorships and donations are always accepted and appreciated to help support OCRA's programs and initiatives.  Used steno machine donations and/or loans, as well as donations of machine accessories (ribbons, ink, paper, paper trays, etc.), are appreciated and arrangements will be made for delivery/pickup.  Please click here to provide your information or email/call OCRA at (614) 300-0906/

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