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2016 Call for Applications

Research Development Grant

The Organization for Research on Women and Communication invites submissions for the eighth annual Research Development Grant.  Members are eligible to apply in one of three grant categories that supports scholars at different levels of their career: Category 1 for M.A. students, Category 2 for PhD students, and Category 3 for instructors or tenure/track faculty*. Each grant offers a maximum of $1,000.00.

Grants are designed to assist feminist scholars completing research or creative projects that privilege and advance understandings about the intersectionality and complexity defining women’s lives.  Broadly speaking, submitted projects are those that chart new ground in disciplinary knowledge about women and gender; that offer insights about the challenges and negotiations confronted by women in light of intersecting identities; and/or that favor the voices, experiences, discourses, performances and lives of women. Applicants’ research projects may be at any stage at time of submission. Grant funds may be used, for example, to pay for: conducting interviews, data transcription, archival research whether for copying costs or travel to archives, clerical support, transportation and/or registration fees for a conference to present the submitted project, among other needs.

Application Requirements


Applications are due April 1, 2016 by noon (MST). Late proposals will not be reviewed.

Applicants will be notified in May or June with funds being distributed shortly thereafter.

Review Process

All applications are reviewed by the grant committee (i.e., composed of ORWAC officers and/or past recipients).  Grant applicants will receive notification about receipt of their materials, and again later when final decisions are made. Review criteria and decision making are based upon a project that: 1) most strongly fits and supports ORWAC’s mission statement, 2) the overall quality of a submitted proposal, 3) potential and/or likelihood for intellectual contribution to feminist scholarship in the field of Communication, and 4) potential and/or likelihood for scholarly dissemination such as a conference paper, thesis, dissertation or book chapter, journal article, or creative project.  At least one grant will be awarded in each of the categories.

Note:  We aim to support all scholars conducting feminist work regardless of rank.  Simultaneously we are mindful of varying levels of institutional support extended to graduate students and faculty.  Hence, in Category 3, preference will be extended equally to instructors and tenure-track followed by tenured faculty.


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