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Coming Soon: 2018 Call Research Development Grant Applications

The official call for 2018 Research Development Grant Applications will be coming soon. Please look for this call at

Grants are designed to assist feminist scholars completing research or creative projects that privilege and advance understandings about the intersectionality and complexity defining women’s lives.  Broadly speaking, submitted projects are those that chart new ground in disciplinary knowledge about women and gender; offer insights about the challenges and negotiations confronted by women in light of intersecting identities; and/or favor the diverse voices, experiences, discourses, performances and lives of women. Applicants’ research projects may be at any stage at time of submission. Grant funds may be used, for example, to pay for: conducting interviews, data transcription, archival research whether for copying costs or travel to archives, clerical support, transportation and/or registration fees for a conference to present the submitted project, among other needs.

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