From the President
Katie L. Gibson

Dear ORWAC members,
Greetings and Happy New Year!
We are excited about our upcoming reunion at the Western States Communication Association conference this year in San Diego, California. It will be good to see ORWAC members, many of whom are presenting on ORWAC panels. We welcome you all to attend our many interesting panels and sessions this year, which you can read more about in this newsletter.
Also at WSCA, please join us for our annual ORWAC reception, which will take place immediately following our business meeting in Ventana on Sunday evening, February 28, at 5:00pm. Join us for some fun and reconnect with ORWAC members—food and drinks will be provided!
I am excited to remind you that ORWAC will sponsor a Scholars’ Retreat this summer—June 1, 2, and 3—in Denver, Colorado. The retreat will be directed by Sonja Foss and William Waters, coauthors of Destination Dissertation: A Traveler’s Guide to a Done Dissertation. ORWAC will select eight scholars to participate and will award each participant with a grant that will cover the cost of the retreat and travel expenses. Interested scholars—faculty and graduate students—should submit applications by March 15, 2016. You can find details about the application process and more information in the newsletter.
ORWAC also continues to support important research with our annual Research Development Grant. The deadline to apply this year is April 1, 2016. Please see the call for applications in the newsletter for more information.
Thank you for your continued support of ORWAC. We are able to offer new opportunities for our members because our organization is strong and our membership continues to grow. Thank you all—I hope you enjoy the newsletter.
See you in San Diego!
Katie L. Gibson, ORWAC president