President's Message
Greetings ORWAC Members,
Happy New Year! I hope you are able to attend the Western States Communication Association (WSCA) Convention in Santa Clara, CA from February 16-19, 2018. ORWAC is sponsoring the pre-conference, “Communication to Promote Mindful Feminist Thought” from 1:00-4:00pm on Friday, February 16th. We are also sponsoring eight panel and paper sessions during the WSCA Convention, including ORWAC’s Top Four Paper session on Saturday, February 17th at 1:15pm, as well as the ORWAC President’s Roundtable, “Questioning Mindfulness and Moving Toward Inclusion and Justice” on Sunday, February 18th at 10:30am.

Please don’t forget to attend our Business Meeting and social on Saturday, February 17th at 5:45pm. At the Business Meeting, we will have elections to fill the positions of Vice President and Graduate Student Representative.
In addition to the WSCA Convention, ORWAC will be giving out up to three research grants this year. The application deadline for the ORWAC research development grants is at the beginning of April (see www.orwac.org for more information). Also, four issues of Women’s Studies in Communication will be published this year by our Editor Kristen Hoerl. We are seeking nominations for the next editor of WSIC. If you are interested, please email Dr. Leslie Harris at harrisl@uwm.edu.
It was my pleasure serving you as ORWAC’s President over the past two years. I am so excited that Dr. Leslie Harris will serve as President immediately following the close of the WSCA Convention in February. She is a true asset to the organization and will serve as an excellent leader. See you in Santa Clara!
Marnel Niles Goins