Call for Editor Applications for Women’s Studies in Communication

The Organization for Research on Women and Communication (ORWAC) invites applications for editor of its journal, Women’s Studies in Communication. Published for nearly forty years, the journal remains the leading outlet in the communication discipline for diverse feminist scholarship, providing a forum for research, reviews, and commentary that advance our understanding of the relationships between communication and gender. WSIC is topically and methodologically inclusive, publishing manuscripts from all perspectives in sub-fields of communication. Reflected throughout the journal are commitments to publishing the finest scholarship that is innovative, risky, and incisive. The journal encourages the development of new voices and new projects that may challenge conventional communication studies scholarship.
Editorship spans Winter 2019 to Winter 2022, which involves the publication of three journal volumes of four issues each (2020, 2021, 2022). The transition between the existing and incoming editor begins Fall 2018 with the incoming editor to begin accepting manuscript submissions January 1, 2019.
Interested individuals are encouraged to submit the following: a letter outlining her/his philosophy, experience, ability to set up and work with a good editorial board, as well as time commitment, institutional commitment, and curriculum vitae. The WSIC editor is an ex-officio member of the ORWAC Executive Board and also is expected to attend the annual ORWAC/WSCA convention. Also required are a list of three references and a letter detailing institutional support for the position such as release time, computer storage, and minimal postage and copying costs. Applications in electronic format, preferably pdf format, are due March 30, 2018. Following a review of the applications by the ORWAC Executive Committee, interviews will be arranged.
Please forward materials to Dr. Leslie Harris, ORWAC Vice President, at harrisl@uwm.edu. For more information, please contact Dr. Harris or Dr. Kristen Hoerl, the current editor of WSIC at khoerl2@unl.edu. For additional information about the journal or ORWAC, please visit www.orwac.org.