Februrary 2022 Newsletter | www.orwac.org
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Call for Vice President and Student Representative Candidates

At WSCA in February, ORWAC will be electing a Vice President and 1-2 Student Representatives. If you are interested in serving, or would like more information about either of the positions, please contact ORWAC President Diane Keeling (keeling@sandiego.edu) or Vice President Jenna Hanchey (jhanchey@unr.edu). The positions are described below.

The Vice President shall serve for two years with an expectation of becoming President and Immediate Past President. The term begins at the end of the business meeting in which the Vice President is elected. Duties include:

  • The Vice President acts on behalf of the President in the event of the President's unavailability, illness, or incapacity.
  • Attends WSCA program planner meeting in the term preceding the move to President.
  • Prepares the ORWAC newsletter.
  • Serves as a reviewer for papers and programs.
  • Takes minutes at the executive officers' business meeting and the general member business meeting.
  • Sends draft of minutes to executive officers for editorial review.
  • Distributes minutes of the previous year's business meeting to the members present at the general member meeting.
  • Communicates with the organization's Membership Officer to make sure the website is updated, accurate, etc.
  • Once the minutes are approved by the members, submits a copy to the Membership Officer and WSCA Executive Director.
  • Ensures current bylaws are distributed to the WSCA Executive Director, members, and posted on the website.
  • Coordinates reception for business meeting attendees; reception to be held during or immediately after the ORWAC business meeting.
  • Represents ORWAC at the WSCA Legislative Assembly.
  • Mentors elected Student Representative(s).

The Student Representative(s) shall serve a two year term. Up to two students may be elected for this position. The Student Representative(s) is a non-voting member of the executive board (ex-officio). Duties include:

  • Serves as an ex-officio member of the Executive Committee.
  • Attends officer and business meetings, if possible.
  • Consults with student members to represent their interests.
  • Maintains ORWAC social media outreach.
  • Publicizes ORWAC members' presentations at NCA and WSCA.
  • Contributes to the newsletter, as needed.


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