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American Associations Day 2022 Registration Now Open

It will be held March 31-April 1

The American Society of Association Executives (ASAE) is inviting its members and industry advocates to join the organization in-person on March 31-April 1 in Washington, D.C. for American Associations Day - ASAE's annual legislative fly-in.

During American Associations Day, attendees will:

American Associations Day is also a terrific opportunity to network (and associate!) with peers from around the country. Associations are a community whose collective voice booms. 

2022 is a big year for public policy, and associations need to be at the table. As legislators consider critically needed pandemic risk insurance programs and equitable workforce development policies, they will rely on us as a major resource for knowledge, expertise and compelling data. 

Registration for American Associations Day includes two days of policy education, advocacy and networking worth 4.5 CAE credit hours. Please select this link to review the schedule.

Don't forget: Associations were mislabeled and excluded from the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) in 2020. After a hard-fought win to expand the PPP, it is paramount that you, as a leader in the community, continue to engage with legislators to build on our collective success and help ensure our stake in the future. ASAE and its allied organizations hope to see you in Washington, D.C. Together, we can demonstrate to Congress The Power of Associations. For questions contact ASAE's Nate Fisher at

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