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The Boring Boss' Unexpected Benefits

Most people don't need their boss to be awe-inspiring

Few topics are more widely researched in the social sciences than leadership. Academics have exhaustively studied the traits, attributes, and behaviors that make some individuals generally more effective at building and maintaining high-performing teams, which is the essence of leadership.

We tend to think that leadership is strongly dependent on the situation, including the particular role, team, organization and industry relating to a leader’s remit or assignment, as well as the actual talent, expertise and personality of their teams and followers. Yet some factors tend to emerge over and over again as positive drivers of leadership effectiveness, and they are pretty agnostic to the specific situation a leader is in.

Most notably, the most effective bosses tend to be quite conscientious (well-organized, self-controlled, disciplined and cautious), extraverted (socially curious and interpersonally confident), open to new experiences (intellectually curious and creative), and emotionally stable (cool-headed, calm and predictable).

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