Complete Story


Engage to Retain

How to build a sustainable membership base

As we continue to navigate through a period of change, many associations are facing a crucial challenge: attracting new members while keeping the existing ones engaged. It raises the question: are we doing everything possible to build a sustainable and thriving community? Further exploration prompts us to ask if we’re truly providing our members with the services and value they need and desire.

With changes in work habits and professional aspirations, it is key to adapt our strategies to our evolving membership base. But what steps can you take as an association leader to guarantee you are implementing the most effective strategies for member attraction and retention?

What's in it for me?

The question I have heard most often in the last three months from existing or prospective members is: "What can I get out of your association?" or "What do you do besides x"? At the heart of every thriving association lies a strong value proposition that resonates with its members. Since membership typically involves voluntary participation, it is crucial to motivate individuals to dedicate their valuable time to support your efforts. In the same way, you will not attract new members unless you can demonstrate that your association will benefit them personally, and not just to their organization.

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