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Rough Seas Break Apart U.S.-build Pier at Gaza

it will be removed and repaired to resume aid to those suffering

The U.S.-built temporary pier that has been taking humanitarian aid to starving Palestinians for less than two weeks will be removed from the coast of Gaza to be repaired after getting damaged in rough seas and weather, the Pentagon said Tuesday.

Over the next two days, the pier will be pulled from the beach and sent to the southern Israeli city of Ashdod, where U.S. Central Command will repair it, Pentagon spokeswoman Sabrina Singh told reporters. She said the fixes will take "at least over a week;" the pier then will need to be anchored back into the beach in Gaza.

"From when it was operational, it was working and we just had sort of an unfortunate confluence of weather storms that made it inoperable for a bit," Singh said. "Hopefully, [repairs will take] just a little over a week; [then] we should be back up and running."

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