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Bipartisan Group Urges $32 Billion in Emergency Spending on AI

Panic around AI continues to spread

A bipartisan group of four senators led by Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) is recommending that Congress spend at least $32 billion over the next three years to develop and place safeguards around artificial intelligence (AI).

What they're saying: In a report released last week, the group of two Democrats and two Republicans said that the U.S. needs to “harness the opportunities and address the risks” of the rapidly developing technology. The bipartisan Senate AI Working Group is comprised of Schumer; Sen. Mike Rounds (R-SD); Sen. Martin Heinrich (D-NM) and Sen. Todd Young (R-IN).

The 33-page report includes numerous other policy recommendations, including new research and development and new testing standards to try to understand the potential risks associated with AI. The report also recommends studies into the potential impact of AI on jobs and the U.S. workforce.

“It’s complicated, it’s difficult, but we can’t afford to put our head in the sand,” Schumer told reporters earlier this month.

Earlier this month, ASAE launched the Association Coalition for AI (ACAI) to unite association leaders in advancing the understanding, adoption and responsible implementation of AI technologies within the association community. In addition to positioning associations at the forefront of responsible AI adoption, this pioneering coalition will safeguard associations’ credibility as the most trusted sources for information, resources and best practices that advance industries and professions.

This article was provided to OSAP by ASAE's Power of Associations and Inroads.

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