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In a Michigan Swing County, Trump’s Faithful are Angry

But they believe he’ll get even

Hard-right commentators on Real America's Voice were talking about "the death of America" on the TV in the corner. But Wally Ribble was calm as he walked in, saw the news ticker and learned that Donald Trump was now a felon.

Ribble laughed. "Guilty of 34 counts of nothing," said Ribble, 65, a retired factory worker who now spends many days here at the Trump Shoppe, a strip mall headquarters for local Republicans that doubles as a gift shop. "Tomorrow, we’ll go on. It’s not the end of the world." The system was unfair, he thought, but Trump would still win in November.

Down the road, Democrat Jessie Dawkins, 67, was shocked to see what she considered justice served. She starts every day reading scripture, and she said she might pray that "Trump's people" didn’t get violent, as some did on Jan. 6, 2021. She was thrilled to see Trump punished for his actions but figured Trump’s passionate followers would just say the trial was rigged.

Please select this link to read the complete article from The Washington Post.

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