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The Perils of Charisma Without Character in Leadership

This can be dangerous for an organization

In the annals of history and the chronicles of modern times, the rise and fall of leaders provide valuable lessons about the essential traits of effective leadership for current leaders, aspiring leaders, and the organizations that hire and promote them. One recurring theme is the disastrous consequences when charisma precedes character.

Charisma is defined as compelling attractiveness or charm that can inspire devotion in others. In and of itself, charisma is not a bad thing. With its magnetic appeal and ability to inspire, a leader’s personal charisma can be a powerful tool. It can rally people, drive initiatives, and create a shared sense of unity and purpose. But when a leader possesses charisma without a foundation of strong moral character, watch out.

The fundamental question to be asked is this: Is the charisma being channeled for the primary benefit of the individual or for the greater good? What is the leader’s underlying motivation?

Please select this link to read the complete article from Michael Lee Stallard.

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