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How Mingling Can Heal the Workforce Generation Gap

The lack of communication between coworkers has become more acute

It's no secret we live in a society of people who are isolated, disconnected, and, sadly, politically polarized. We’re prisoners in our personal silos, tethered to our devices, brainwashed by the messages of our echo chambers. And we’re starved for real social interaction—especially with those different from us—and the meaningful discourse and cross-pollination of ideas that come from that. No wonder anxiety and depression are rampant!

With the technology and mental health components, it’s tempting to think this is a “young person problem,” and it is in part…but it’s also an everyone problem. People of all generations play a role in the dysfunction.

As I listened to Michael Smerconish talk about his Mingle Project, it got me thinking about how his ideas could translate to the workplace. Michael believes that by gathering with others who don’t look and think like us, we can start to heal our world. While his project is more focused on a great “coming together” in the cultural/community arena, why can’t the same hold true at work?

Please select this link to read the complete article from Smerconish.

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