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What to do When Your Boss is Demoralizing Your Team

There are steps you can take to maintain steadiness at work

At work, a leader may decide to shift directions for any number of reasons: They may aim to go to market before a competitor; they may reorganize the company; they may prioritize a new initiative. 

Yet, when your boss constantly throws new assignments at you and shows little regard for the good work you have already done, it is easy to get demoralized. For instance, your boss announces that the project you have spent the past several weeks on is now tabled indefinitely. You may throw up your hands and wonder, “What's the point?” 

It can be hard to stay motivated amidst chaos and uncertainty. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to prioritize your personal and professional success. Here are four things you can do to help you regain your agency and maintain steadiness, even when your boss demoralizes your team

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