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President Biden Pulls Even with Trump, Reuters/Ipsos Poll Shows

Each garnered 40 percent support among registered voters

This week, President Joe Biden pulled even with his Republican challenger Donald Trump this week in the race to win the November election, a sign the contest remains close even after a widely panned debate performance by the Democrat, according to a new Reuters/Ipsos poll.

Biden and Trump each had 40 percent support among registered voters in the two-day poll that concluded on Tuesday. A prior Reuters/Ipsos poll conducted June 11-12 showed Trump with a marginal 2 percentage point lead, 41 percent to 39 percent.

The two faced off in a televised debate last Thursday, where Biden stammered throughout and failed to challenge Trump's attacks. The new Reuters/Ipsos poll also showed that, following the debate, about one-in-three Democrats think Biden should drop out of the race, something he has pledged not to do.

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