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EQ Can Boost Your Perseverance at Work

Perseverance can help you overcome workplace challenges and achieve success

Success is rarely achieved overnight. It involves numerous setbacks, roadblocks, detours and failures. The ability to keep going, despite things not working out, is expected of anyone who wishes to advance, especially in the workplace. 

During an interview, one of the things that hiring managers want to determine is our ability to persevere when things are not going well. This is why one of the most common interview questions is about how an individual has dealt with setbacks in the past. 

Everyone can feel motivated and determined when things are going well. It is when things aren’t going well that there is separation between those who will keep going and those that will quit or take an easier route. By going through setbacks and difficulties, we develop and increase our crucial problem-solving skills, critical thinking skills and our adaptability. Without developing these skills, we often simply cannot reach our personal and professional goals.

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