Complete Story


What Happened in the Final Moments as President Biden Decided to Withdraw

He didn't tell most of his staff until just before his announcement on social media

"I need you and Mike at the house," President Joe Biden said late Saturday afternoon.

Mr. Biden was on the phone from his vacation home in Rehoboth Beach, Del., with Steve Ricchetti, one of his closest advisers. The president was referring to Mike Donilon, his chief strategist. Soon, both men were in Rehoboth, socially distanced from the president, who was recovering from COVID-19.

From that afternoon and far into the night, the three worked on one of the most important and historic letters of Mr. Biden's presidency— his decision to withdraw from his re-election campaign after top Democrats, donors, close allies and friends had pressured him relentlessly to get out.

Please select this link to read the complete article from The New York Times.

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