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News from PCA Government Relations Committee

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Update: PA in the Counseling Compact (HB 668)

The GRC is working with Rep. Jen O’Mara (D - Delaware County), Counseling Compact legislative champion, to strategize PA’s passage of this bill in order to join the Compact in 2025.  Rep. Tim Brennan (D - Bucks County) has signed on as a prime co-sponsor of the bill, which was assigned to the House of Representatives’ Professional Licensure committee (PLC; House Bill 668), and 22 other Representatives have signed on as co-sponsors. While these are great strides toward successful passage, the GRC is working diligently with the Professional Licensure committee to secure their support and co-sponsorship of the bill. By obtaining bipartisan support in the House PLC, we will support the Compact bill’s movement through the PA Legislative Assembly to become law in 2025.

Hill Day 2025 on June 3, 2025

PCA members are invited to join the GRC in a legislative advocacy day at Capitol in Harrisburg on June 3, 2025. Attendees will be asked to meet with their respective legislators in their Harrisburg offices on that day to discuss current issues facing professional counselors and clients in PA. Members of GRC will also present in an informational meeting in front of members of the House of Representatives regarding those issues. 

Want to engage in Hill Day 2025 in Harrisburg? Submit your interest!

Participants will be required to attend an Advocacy Meeting training event on March 19, hosted by ACA and the GRC. 

Want to participate but can’t make it to the Capitol? Sign up for our April Advocacy Drive!

The April Advocacy Drive will occur from participants’ home location or virtually during the month of April. 

Resource: PA Legislation Tracker

Check out the PA Legislation Tracker via the PCA GRC webpage to stay up to date on counseling-related legislation in PA!

Dr. Madeleine Stevens, Chair
Government Relations Committee
Pennsylvania Counseling Association

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