Complete Story


A note to the synod from Bishop Dillahunt--Blessed Epiphany!

Stronger and Better Together….Joining Jesus in the Restoration of the World

                        We Clarify

                        We Cultivate

                        We Collaborate

Blessed Epiphany to you as we show the light of Jesus Christ to a darkened world.

Did you notice, if you receive the Living Lutheran magazine, Bishop Eaton’s article on “Church Speak”? (Read her article on our website by clicking HERE.) Whether she knows it or not her thoughts are right in line with what we, in SOS, are talking about when we live out part of the synod’s vision….We Clarify. 

How is it we share our faith, our belief in Jesus?  Where do we start?  Are you and your congregation living in a “faith bubble”?  I start with Jesus who is Savior and Lord. It is through Jesus’ life, death and resurrection that we can boldly proclaim our faith sharing and living in that faith. God loves us so much that God gives us Jesus, so that we have life. That’s it…that’s the gift we celebrated at Christmas.  It is the gift we show and shine about in Epiphany. It’s not a trick question….Who is Jesus?  If you know Jesus then be bold about knowing him and be missionaries of the Gospel in your own lives and ministries.


Blessed Epiphany!

Bishop Dillahunt

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