
December 2, 2019
7:00PM - 9:00PM

Presentation with Travel Photographer Susan Onysko

Susan Onysko is an internationally awarded and exhibited professional Travel Photographer from Northeast Ohio who has devoted her life to the art of capturing evocative stories from some of the most remote and extreme locations of our world. Combining her sense of adventure with her aptitude for photography, Susan is able to unearth astonishing images that evoke her destination’s purest essence. Susan’s unique, emotional images have awarded her both domestic and international notoriety with her work being exhibited and published both locally and throughout Europe.

Susan’s passion is capturing people who best represent the location that she is visiting. Catching individuals in unguarded and natural positions requires patience, to which her four children have eagerly contributed. In locales absent of people to convey a story, Susan enthusiastically turns to wildlife to reflect those powerful human emotions such as love, bliss and playfulness.

In addition to her international journeys, Susan is currently traveling throughout the United States working on a book entitled “Cosplay 50: The United States of Cosplay”.


Cosplay 50: The United States of Cosplay

I have photographed intriguing people and adorable animals in some of the most awe-inspiring locations of the world, but the excitement I feel while shooting characters at comic conventions is in a league all its own. At the conventions, the cosplayers sweep me away into their surreal worlds while I happily hang on for the ride.

During the presentation, I will explain what drew me into this genre of photography and how I decided the scope of this deeply personal project. It is always a fun talking about how the worlds of travel and cosplay photography collided. I will also share some of our favorite gear to use, lighting techniques, and unforgettable experiences we have had along the way while photographing the most intriguing people in the world!

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