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Call for Proposals ... “College Writing”: from the 1966 Dartmouth Seminar to Tomorrow

Dartmouth College, August 10-12, 2016

Dear colleagues,

We are pleased to announce this call for proposals for “College Writing”: from the 1966 Dartmouth Seminar to Tomorrow.

This conference will take place at Dartmouth College, August 10-12, 2016.

Its focus:
What is the state of the art in writing research today? What are the driving research questions? From which disciplinary frames? Using which diverse methods? Informing local practice in what ways? Engaged via which 21st century digital tools, global contexts, and language realities?

Please see the full description, call, and online proposal form at:

Apologies for the tight turnaround! Proposals are due May 21st.
Please don’t hesitate to write with questions. Conference program outline and registration information will be available in early May.

We are very excited to welcome you to this event.
Christiane Donahue, for the conference steering committee

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