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Rhetoric Society of America - Call for Applications ... Electronic Communications Officer

Rhetoric Society of America
Electronic Communications Officer

Position Description

The Electronic Communications Officer (ECO) will oversee and coordinate RSA’s online presence in order to enhance the visibility, activities, and services of the organization and to advance rhetorical studies for RSA members and potential members. Experience with or skills in web-design and programing are welcome but not necessary for application.

Specific duties include:

  • provide timely management of RSA electronic resources, primarily the RSA website , to include interfacing with the RSA staff on the following activities:
  • keeping the RSA website up to date and functional; managing RSA social media, and working with the RSQ Editor to maintain connections with the electronic journal content provided by the publisher of Rhetoric Society Quarterly;
  • guide improvement of current RSA electronic resources, including: periodic reviewing of design and use of the website and social media; identifying better designs, services, or other resources; recommending design or service changes to the RSA Board;
  • guide development of new RSA electronic resources such as streaming content, interactive forums, and other means for community development and support;
  • provide editorial administration for intellectual content provision at online forums such as webinars, including soliciting contributors, accepting proposals, scheduling events, and supervising implementation.

The ECO, as a member of RSA’s administrative staff, will work directly with the RSA staff and officers—principally the Executive Director and RSA staff administrator for membership services—in fulfilling these responsibilities.

The ECO will be an ex officio member of the RSA Board of Directors and thus will be expected to attend and report at RSA Board meetings. Proposals for significant changes in design or services will be presented to the RSA Board for approval.

The ECO position is considered to be similar in function to the Membership Officer and will be eligible for reimbursement for travel to Board meetings, as specified in the RSA Board Travel Policy.

The Electronic Communications Officer should have a Ph.D. in an appropriate discipline, hold an academic position, and be a member of RSA. Nominations/applications for the position should include: a statement accepting the nomination (or a self-nomination); a statement about plans and projections for RSA’s electronic resources; a current curriculum vita; names and addresses of at least two references qualified to assess the candidate's ability to carry out the position; if available, a letter from the responsible administrator confirming that institutional support (released time, administrative support, etc.) will be provided.

Materials or inquiries should be directed to: Kendall R. Phillips –

Materials must be submitted by October 16, 2016.

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