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RSA is pleased to announce four recipients of the 2012-2013 RSA Graduate Student Special Event Award

RSA is pleased to announce four recipients of the 2012-2013 RSA Graduate Student Special Event Award.
The student chapters receiving funding this year are:
Penn State University for Camp Rhetoric, an annual event during which English and Communication graduate students discuss research, teaching, theory, and professional development. Camp Rhetoric provides opportunities for graduate students in the region to network. In 2013, Camp Rhetoric also plans to live-stream the keynote address and provide podcasts with highlights from the event.
North Carolina State University for the Carolina Rhetoric Conference (CRC), an annual event that connects graduate rhetoricians in various disciplines. The CRC provides graduate students in the region with opportunities to share their research, build a network of rhetoric scholars in the Carolinas, and to receive feedback on presentations before presenting at major national conferences. In 2013, the CRC will continue to expand by including even more graduate programs in the region as well as circulating formal and informal podcasts from the event.
The University of Kansas for the first KU Ars Rhetorica Spring Lecture Series. During this event, the chapter at Kansas will host speakers for colloquium presentations, workshops, and luncheons on various topics of concern to rhetorical studies. They plan to record and podcast the colloquium presentations for other RSA chapters to access and to serve as a preview for the scholarly conversations that will happen in Lawrence at the RSA Institute this summer.
The University of Wisconsin-Madison for a seminar series on “The Wisconsin School of Rhetoric,” a sequence of discussions across campus that seeks to answer questions about what it means to study rhetoric in Wisconsin, a state with a long history of rhetorical excellence. The UW chapter has invited scholars from a variety of disciplinary homes to discuss with chapter members questions of history, disciplinary boundaries, and community engagement. The UW chapter will encourage application of these ideas at a symposium held in March.

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