
100 Men is a great concept!  Members leverage their $100 gifts to provide a worthy, local charity with about $10,000 each meeting..  Charities receiving our donations report back at the next meeting to tell us what was accomplished with the money. 

Scholarship Opportunities for Success (SOS)



Our mission is to raise money to assist adult women who are citizens of the United States regardless of any race, religion, or ethnicity to achieve financial independence through education. By providing financial assistance to those in need, we are breaking the chains of poverty and helping our community grow stronger.

We believe that through education, parents can become more selfsufficient, leading to a better quality of life for themselves and their families. With your support, we can make a real difference in the lives of these local women and ultimately, in our entire society. As an allvolunteer organization, we are dedicated to helping those in need, and we are proud to have a board of 16 women and over 80 volunteers, who share this vision. Together, let's help create a brighter future for all.

How Contributions Would Be Used

Your donations will be used to provide scholarships to deserving adult women in the Central Ohio area. The money is awarded to women with documented financial needs who demonstrated a high likelihood of success in completing their academic studies. The recipients have overcome significant challenges and have specific unmet needs that represent barriers to their future success.

The financial aid provided may be used for tuition at universities, colleges, and technology/trade schools. It can also be used for supplies, computers, equipment, books, bus passes, special fees, childcare, or other expenses to enable these women to attend classes. Our aid helps to fill in the gaps left by other forms of financial aid. The award money is paid directly to the institution or organization offering the needed services. It is never paid directly to the winner. The maximum amount awarded each year depends on the amount of money raised from our fundraising, as our treasury is depleted each year.

Central Ohio Stand Down

Central Ohio Stand Down

We improve the lives of Veterans by connecting them to social services and professional resources for success in their personal/professional lives.

How Contributions Would Be Used
All services are free for our guests. 100% of the funds will be used to help cover our event expenses for almost 1,000 people. We are all volunteers. We have no paid staff.

iamstonefoltz Foundation

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To eradicate hazing. We focus on prevention by educating both parents and students on the hazards of hazing. In addition, we provide "alcohol101" training on the deadly effects of alcohol poisoning.

How Contributions Would Be Used

Other than speaking engagements that we do for high school and university students, we're working on a project to expand our reach by creating a video podcast where we hosts guests and discuss hazing. Our guest lineup includes hazing victims and experts, families impacted, etc., to outline the dangers of hazing and how students can get help or parents can become more aware of what might be happening to their children. This requires the purchase of recording and video equipment as well as subscriptions to services to pull the materials together in a professional manner for upload to the internet. We believe these tools can support getting informative material out to many more interested parties and will supplement the speaking engagements that we'll continue doing. If we're selected by 100 Men, we would use the funds to purchase the podcast equipment and the services to help support the process. We will come back and share our success with you.

Philippians 2 (First Two Time Charity)



It is easy to speak of homeless people in terms of them or they and look at them as a political issue or political pawns. But at the end of the day, they lay their heads down to sleep just like us. But they do it on the ground and we get to do it on our beds. The goal of Philippians 2 is to assist the homeless around us in need of friendship and spiritual strength. We are unique in that we locate homeless camps and individuals on our own often by walking through woods. The majority of those we serve are hard-core homeless who have lived outside for quite a while. They do not fly signs or walk the streets. They prefer to maintain the confidentiality of their camps and live peacefully and quietly on the land. Every Thursday for the past thirteen years we have provided a hot meal, clothing and other needed provisions and supply items to get our homeless friends in Columbus through one week to the next. The most important things we provide are friendship and hope that life can be better. We strive not to judge those we serve.

How Contributions Would Be Used

Oh boy (I mean men). Philippians 2 is a very small 501(c)(3) organization that is funded mostly by the half dozen individuals who comprise it. Your generosity would be Christmas to us. We could splurge and buy bug spray that works. We could purchase some 6 outdoor showers we normally can’t afford. We could occasionally distribute new socks and underwear instead of donated ones. We could replace inadequate tents that raccoons have chewed through. We could obtain batteries on a weekly basis so radios could be played and flashlights used. We could actually give out flashlights and radios to homeless without them. We could fix up some used bikes and surprise with COTA passes to help with transportation. We could hand out some new blankets when cold instead of used ones. Old and weathered sleeping bags could be replaced. Adequate footwear could be purchased to replace used tennis shoes with tread worn thin. We could add cans of fruit to our weekly distribution of supplies. We could shop for all kinds of Raman noodles. We would have sufficient propane to keep people alive and warm through the winter months. Provide some badly-needed maintenance or replace to our 2003 (298,000 miles) truck. Yes, Christmas would come early.

Sleep in Heavenly Peace- Hilliard

Sihp Hilliard Big


Our mission is to make sure that no kid sleeps on the floor in our town. SHP uses volunteers to build, deliver, and assemble brand new beds, including a mattress, sheets, pillow, and blanket, to children in need throughout Franklin County, OH. Oftentimes, these children are sleeping in difficult situations, such as on a couch or on the floor, and the bed that SHP provides will be the first bed they can call their own.

How Contributions Would Be Used

The money raised will be used to purchase materials to build, deliver, and assemble new beds to children in need in Franklin County, OH. We currently have more applications for beds than we can fill, so this money will go towards increasing our volume of beds built and

Magical Moments Foundation


Magical Moments Foundation


Magical Moments Foundation is a Columbus-based 501(c)(3) wish-granting organization that supports children with facial differences that are the result of genetic differences, congenital anomalies, cancer treatment, or severe trauma or burns. These children face stigmas such as teasing, bullying, and unconscious bias . . . the emotional effects of which can last a lifetime. While there are hundreds of wish-granting organizations that do the good work of serving children with life-threatening conditions, we are the first and only ones to grant wishes to children with conditions that threaten their quality of life for decades.

We work with children and their families to create magical experiences that provide comfort, inspiration, and encouragement to children that face the world with a difference and that endure the long-lasting pain and emotional scars of appearance-related stigma. We make children’s dream adventures a reality and bring smiles to their faces while restoring their sense of hope, joy, wonder, and empowerment. Through our wish-granting work, we aim not only to make a difference in children’s lives but also to increase awareness of the lifelong harm caused to children by appearance-related stigma while creating widespread acceptance of facial diversity around the world. We help children see the wonder in themselves while helping the world to see and celebrate the beauty in ALL children!

How Contributions Would Be Used

We have many nominations of many wonderful kids, all of whom face the lifelong challenge of stigma. If we are selected to receive these generous gifts, all will be used to restore hope and grant wishes that teach the children that we support that they are not at all limited by their appearance but only by the size of their dreams!

Buddy Up For Life




Our goal is to redefine the social, economic, psychological, and physical expectations set for those who live with Down syndrome. We want to give our Athletes the tools, and mindset to live their life to the fullest -that’s why we do what we do. Since our formation in 2008, we have steadily expanded our reach and efforts to enrich our Athletes’ lives. With the many challenges that hit us in 2020, we used those added efforts as a strength as we pivoted our way of operating, and managed to stay relevant and provide creative, meaningful programming for our Athletes and Buddy volunteers. We rebranded from Buddy Up Tennis to Buddy Up for Life and reorganized our efforts into three Pillars of Impact: Health and Wellness, Friendships, and Independence. Buddy Up For Life helps Athletes be proactive about living a healthy lifestyle by creating a social and fun environment for them to learn and grow

How Contributions Would Be Used

Our programs in Columbus include Tennis, Fitness, summer Camp, Connections, and Life Skills. For our Tennis and Fitness programs we need funding for court rental, tennis racquets, team shirts and fitness equipment. For our Summer Camp programs we partner with community organizations and bring in fun opportunities for our Athletes such as Cardio Drumming Music Therapy and STEM activities. Our Life Skills programs include expertly driven, skills-based 4 training designed to provide Athletes with tangible skills necessary for employment volunteer opportunities and a sense of independence. Programs include Communications, Finance, Technology, and Cooking. We also provide scholarships, so all Athletes have the opportunity to participate in our programs.

Highland Youth Garden

Highland Youth Garden


Our mission is to grow food, grow minds and grow education in partnership with the Hilltop community. Highland Youth Garden is considered by the City of Columbus to be a local model for community engagement, food justice, and beautification. We were established in 2009, grew thanks to the hard work of committed volunteers, and achieved federal non-profit status in 2019.

How Contributions Would Be Used

A generous contribution from 100 Men will be used to grow and distribute over 10,000 pounds of fresh produce to our neighbors in 2021, build and support 15 backyard Family Gardens, provide nature and nutrition-based education to over 350 Hilltop students in grades preschool through grade 8, offer after-school gardening clubs for neighborhood children, employ and mentor 12 Westside teenagers and provide a peaceful and welcoming community gathering space in a challenged neighborhood. Our doors are literally always open.

The Columbus Beacon of Hope Foundation



The Columbus Beacon of Hope Foundation (CBOH) collaborates with community partners to provide meals to the hungry and homeless through The Largest Table in Downtown Columbus. We are a “beacon of hope in the heart of the city” and envision a day when sharing by all means scarcity for none. 

How Contributions Would Be Used

Money raised supports CBOH. Formed in 2019, CBOH sustains The Largest Table, which serves the homeless and marginally housed in Downtown Columbus, by providing funds for food and supplies, kitchen maintenance, and personal protective equipment for both our homeless neighbors and those serving them.

A group of church members started The Largest Table at St John’s United Church of Christ in 1998. Like many organizations, we are grappling with the impact of COVID-19. In compliance with CDC recommendations, The Largest Table transitioned to an outdoor “to go” model and partners with other churches and community leaders. We continue providing meals to the homeless and most vulnerable during this extraordinary time. Unfortunately, the number of hungry, homeless, and marginalized people in Columbus has only increased since The Largest Table first started over two decades ago. The COVID-19 pandemic exacerbates the already dire conditions of this population. Many local feeding programs closed during the 3 pandemic, and The National Guard recently ended their daily lunchtime program. Now, more than ever, CBOH needs help to provide funding for this extraordinary ministry that continues to save lives, without interruption, one meal at a time.

Franklinton Cycle Works

Franklinton Cycle Works


Franklinton Cycle Works (FCW) is a non-profit community development organization that uses bicycles to empower individuals and transform communities. At FCW, bicycle repair is a cooperative effort, educational opportunity and means of building community. It's our belief that money shouldn't limit someone’s access to reliable transportation and the sense of freedom provided by a bike. FCW is involved in a myriad of cycling and youth mentorship programs around the city. We're proud to partner with Gladden Community House, The Homeless Families Foundation, Franklinton Preparatory Academy, and the Safe Routes to Schools initiative. Trent Smith, the Executive Director of the Franklinton Board of Trade, recently wrote “the importance of (FCW’s) work to the Franklinton area simply cannot be overstated”. Because bikes combine health, recreation, and transportation into one affordable package and can accommodate both the old and young, bikes are a powerful vehicle for moving a neighborhood forward.

How Contributions Would Be Used

Donated funds will go directly to providing high quality bicycles and educational programming to low-income youths of Franklin County. FCW has launched a Bicycles for Independence program in partnership with the Carol Stewart Memorial Village, a program of Star House. The Village provides housing to 18 to 25 year-olds who 3 have aged out of foster care or find themselves in other difficult circumstances. By providing these young adults with a bike, safety accessories, and educational programming, FCW helps them overcome transportation barriers and achieve independence. FCW has already provided several bikes to residents of the Village who have reported that the bike has made a tremendous impact. And the accompanying education ensures recipients know how to utilize their bike to its fullest potential.

FCW can provide a bike, helmet, light set, lock, cycling safety education and basic bike maintenance education for $300 per person. With a grant of $10,000, FCW will be able to help at least 30 young adults. Whether it’s getting to work, getting to school, or visiting with family, the importance of reliable transportation cannot be overstated. Help these young adults in this critical stage in their life by supporting Franklinton Cycle Works and its Bicycles for Independence program.

Philippians 2



It is easy to speak of homeless people in terms of them or they and look at them as a political issue or political pawns. But at the end of the day, they lay their heads down to sleep just like us. But they do it on the ground and we get to do it on our beds. The goal of Philippians 2 is to assist the homeless around us in need of friendship and spiritual strength. We are unique in that we locate homeless camps and individuals on our own often by walking through woods. The majority of those we serve are hard-core homeless who have lived outside for quite a while. They do not fly signs or walk the streets. They prefer to maintain the confidentiality of their camps and live peacefully and quietly on the land. Every Thursday for the past thirteen years we have provided a hot meal, clothing and other needed provisions and supply items to get our homeless friends in Columbus through one week to the next. The most important things we provide are friendship and hope that life can be better. We strive not to judge those we serve.

How Contributions Would Be Used

Oh boy (I mean men). Philippians 2 is a very small 501(c)(3) organization that is funded mostly by the half dozen individuals who comprise it. Your generosity would be Christmas to us. We could splurge and buy bug spray that works. We could purchase some 6 outdoor showers we normally can’t afford. We could occasionally distribute new socks and underwear instead of donated ones. We could replace inadequate tents that raccoons have chewed through. We could obtain batteries on a weekly basis so radios could be played and flashlights used. We could actually give out flashlights and radios to homeless without them. We could fix up some used bikes and surprise with COTA passes to help with transportation. We could hand out some new blankets when cold instead of used ones. Old and weathered sleeping bags could be replaced. Adequate footwear could be purchased to replace used tennis shoes with tread worn thin. We could add cans of fruit to our weekly distribution of supplies. We could shop for all kinds of Raman noodles. We would have sufficient propane to keep people alive and warm through the winter months. Provide some badly-needed maintenance or replace to our 2003 (298,000 miles) truck. Yes, Christmas would come early.

Help My Neighbor

Help My Neighbor Thanks Video Cover


Help My Neighbor, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit dedicated to helping disadvantaged, underprivileged and temporarily displaced individuals and their families by providing food, clothing, and personal care items and, at times, financial support to sustain them through personal crises and economic down times. Help My Neighbor helps those people that other social programs do not cover, individuals and families who may not qualify for government aide, but still fall into the category of temporary need. Anna and Nondas Moreno founded Help My Neighbor, Inc. in 2011 to help the Smoky Row Food Pantry serve more needy families in our community by partnering with a number of community churches (Smoky Row Brethren Church, St. Peter and St Joan of Arc Catholic Churches, Highlands Presbyterian Church, Lord of Life Lutheran Church, and The Vineyard Church at Sawmill) and engaging the support of more community resources. Help My Neighbor is supported by fresh and prepared food donations from Whole Foods, Trader Joe's, Starbucks, Fresh Thyme, Gordon Foods, Bob Evans and City Barbeque, as well as food drives and financial contributions from partnering community churches and service organizations. Thank you for your consideration.

How Contributions Will Be Used

Help My Neighbor currently operates on less than $30,000 a year. The 100 Men funds would give us with a tremendous opportunity to 3 expand our services at the Smoky Row Food Pantry providing more fresh and frozen foods (not available at many pantries), personal hygiene items, clothing, books, toys, school supplies, as well as holiday meals and presents for the needy families in our community. It would also help support the increased operating costs for facility and equipment upkeep. This past year we increased pantry hours by adding a second day. We now serve over 150 families a week on Wednesday evenings and Saturday mornings and believe we could easily increase that to over 200 families with additional resources. Your funding would also help us grow our outreach efforts to help sustain needy families through times of personal crisis and economic downturn with temporary financial support, housing, transportation, clothing, personal care items, and referrals to other charitable organizations. We hope you consider our cause worthy of your support. Thank you for your consideration.


Awarded over $7,400 as of January, 2020


Our mission is to invest in the lives of those impacted by incarceration. In Ohio, people are released from prison with $75. This does not position them for success, especially for those having served lengthy sentences and lost much of their family and social network. Often, people experiencing desperation re-offend; contributing to the over 30% recidivism rate in Ohio. So why should the rest of us be concerned about reducing recidivism?
Helping those in transition serves a larger societal need than simply helping ex-offenders. When ex-offenders fail and return to prison, the failure is directly connected to new crime and new victims. It is our experience that high recidivism rates are preventable. We know that when we invest in equipping men and women for success while incarcerated, and build a community that transitions with them, our graduates succeed at an extremely high rate. Due to this uniquely innovative approach, to date, 120 EMBARK participants have transitioned to the community. Only two have returned to prison for committing new crimes. Of those who have completed the inside program and remained connected with our ministry 1-year after release, our recidivism rate is 0%. Please join us in preventing crime.
How Contributions Would Be Used
We are focused on reducing recidivism; the rate of return to prison. We would use $5,000 toward the salary of the Men’s Transition Manager (MTM) and the balance of the funds would assist with other re-entry costs.
The MTM equips and leverages over 40 volunteers as they work together to facilitate intensive character and community building programs and services that are EMBARK’s foundation and framework toward sustainable independence. The MTM and mentor team (Navigators) work to help men develop a strong community rooted in accountability and help men with their transition plans before and after release. The MTM oversees the mentoring program and provides extensive case management upon release, to include the afore-mentioned re-entry costs such as transportation or bus passes, rent, utilities, Furniture Bank referrals, work clothes and medications.
The MTM is essential to our organization because each person released has unique challenges. Likewise, because Kindway is blessed with over 40 volunteers for men, the army of Navigators need a person of contact to address their unique needs and availability. If you join us, you too will contribute to significant reduction in crime and victimization.

Starfish Assignment

Awarded over $11,600 as of November 8th, 2019

Starfish Assignment


Our mission is to support local police officers in their efforts to help people and build relationships in the poorest precincts of their patrol areas. Our partnership with local police officers works two ways. First, they are the “boots on the ground” who identify individuals with specific needs. We at Starfish Assignment attempt to fulfill those needs by providing things like school supplies, clothing, toys, shoes, utensils for the home, transportation, information and help accessing resources in the community. Secondly, we provide items directly to individual police officers, giving them the ability to bestow gifts where they will do the most good. The officers know what will be effective in individual situations, their giving is personal, and bonds are formed. Even small gifts such as sports equipment and other toys go a long way towards building bridges between the officers and families in the neighborhoods.

How Contributions Would Be Used

Your donations will be used in direct support of very needy children and adults, personally identified by our local police officer partners. 95% of our money purchases things they request and give directly to people in need, or that individual officers nominate. We have raised  and distributed almost $11,000 in our first few months. We presently serve two precincts, and our police partners are asking for help in more. As more police officers hear about us the demand surges, but present funds are limited. Our goal is to work in all six lowest income
7 precincts. By tailoring our help to individual needs, we fill a gap that larger charities can't. Our winter coats drive is next; organized by a patrolman and a reformed, convicted felon/barber who provided haircuts and backpacks to kids going back to school in South Linden this year. We will also use $350 to apply for 501(c)(3) status, but up until now we felt that money would be better spent on our programs. We have a donor who will do a $5,000 match when we have received our 501(c)3 status AND raised $5,000. Your donation will be multiplied. 100 Men look for small charities doing wonderful things where $10,000 will have a significant impact. Starfish Assignment is certainly that.

Shout Out In The Columbus Dispatch

Veteran Companion Animal Services (VCAS)



The mission of VCAS is to enrich the lives of veterans and military families and dogs through the many benefits of the human-animal bond.

How Contributions Would Be Used

$2,000 will provide free dog-training classes to veterans and military families. $10,000 will place 4 dogs with veterans covering all costs and all expenses for the first year. $1,000 will provide support outings/social activities for veterans and military families that are alumni of the VCAS program to continue social support and engagement. $1,000 administrative costs as needed.

Save Our Adolescents from Prostitution (S.O.A.P.)


The SOAP Project is a non-profit organization focused on educating and increasing awareness on the prevalence of human trafficking, to restore trafficked survivors and to prevent teens from being victimized. The initiative, founded by survivor Theresa Flores, assists trafficked survivors in their recovery and healing with retreats, emergency and mental health services and basic needs. SOAP distributes information and labeled bars of soap offering help for trafficked victims at hotels during major sporting events, conventions and shows in our city. Human trafficking is the #1 threat to our youth in the US, and Ohio is ranked fifth in the country with human trafficking instances. Columbus and suburbs are not immune from this problem.; it is happening here! SOAP needs your support to continue our fight against this epidemic.

How Contributions Would Be Used

The money will be used to buy labeled bars of soap with the help hotline phone # to be distributed by local volunteers in hotels close to upcoming events; to educate hotel staff with printed materials encouraging them to identify suspicious behavior and suspected victims. Funds are also needed to support our survivor retreats which are essential in their recovery, and community outreach and volunteer programs.

Joseph's Coat Of Central Ohio

Joseph's Coat Of Central Ohio


Joseph's Coat's mission is to answer God's call to love and serve our neighbor by providing clothing, furniture and household goods for those who need them. We are a volunteer organization with a community continuously donating items, but we have not been able to keep up with the need. The number of new clients has grown tremendously. On Saturdays we now see 80 to 110 families between 9am and noon. We hope 100 Men will provide us with funding to help these needy families.

How Contributions Would Be Used

The money will be used to purchase much needed children's clothing, underwear, shoes, and boots, as well as winter coats for children, teens and adults. We continue to need beds, bedding, blankets, comforters and pillows for children and adults.




To promote the physical, intellectual, emotional, social, and spiritual health and well-being of the community; and provide, manage, and oversee nutritional, resource, and educational services to individuals and families in the Worthington area.

How Contributions Are To Be Used

The investment of $10,000 would be used to purchase "basics" that can't be obtained through Mid-Ohio Food Bank (our primary purchasing source): shampoo ($200/month), deodorant and toothpaste ($150/month each), diapers ($20 per child for 50 children per month), and eggs (150 dozen/month), We served 871 children last month alone, so your investment will allow families to meet the basic needs of hygiene, nutrition and baby care. Your donation will allow us to leverage our buying power through volume purchasing and guarantee the availability of these critical items for the 1,500 Worthington area families we serve on an annual basis. Our major donor is changing their giving policies which will result in the loss of one third of our revenue next fiscal year. Your organization's support will ensure that we are able to meet the needs in our community.

A KID AGAIN Central Ohio

A KID AGAIN Central Ohio


Our Mission is to foster hope, happiness, and healing for families raising kids with life-threatening illnesses. Your generosity will truly help 900 enrolled families across Central Ohio receive the priceless gift of watching all of our children just be kids. Medical bills, surgeries, treatments, and countless hospital visits take a toll on our families. Your gifts help erase those experiences even if for the day, and replace fear and worry with smiles and laughter. Being able to offer our families in Central Ohio an outing every month is what we want to do, and with your help we can do just that. HELP EVERY CHILD BE A KID AGAIN!

How Contributions Are To Be Used

In 2018, A Kid Again-Central Ohio will be hosting 14 ADVENTURES for our families that are raising a child with life-threatening illness. Your generosity will go to ensure that every child has that chance to forget about being sick and just be A Kid Again. As an ADVENTURE sponsor, 100 % of your donation goes to programming, carrying out our mission. Your kindness will help send 1,500 family members to Kings Island for the day, allow 1,200 family members to enjoy a true VIP experience at Dreamnight at the Columbus Zoo, and provide much needed holiday gifts to 900 children at our end of the year holiday party. Each of these three ADVENTURES are just an example of what we try to provide every month for our families who are going through the unimaginable with their children. With your generosity:

•YOU can help pay for our families to experience the magic of a theme park.
•YOU can help fund the private experience our families receive at Dreamnight at the Zoo.
•YOU can provide what we need to make sure every child receives that magical gift at Christmas Your generosity will help make all ofthese dreams come true

Star House Columbus

Star House Columbus


Star House provides the under-served & vulnerable population of youth (ages 14-24) experiencing homelessness in Central Ohio by providing respite from the streets and connecting them with resources to climb out of what can turn into a perpetual cycle of homelessness. This population lives among us every day in Central Ohio but goes unrecognized by most. It's estimated that there are over 2,000 youth experiencing homelessness in Central Ohio. Providing services and resources to youth going through traumatic experiences at an early age gives them the best chance to succeed and become the active and contributing members of our community they strive to be. This issue is not limited to certain zip codes or demographics. Star House exists for a variety of reasons; more than 40% have aged out of the foster care system and most have experienced some kind of physical, mental, emotional and/or sexual abuse. Because of this, many youth served at Star House do not trust adults and therefore often mistrust the resources that exist to help those experiencing homelessness and get pushed even further from their goals. All Star House services revolve around building healthy relationships with youth first in order to provide successful linkage to education, housing, basic health, mental stability, career development, and happiness. 

How Contributions Are To Be Used

We plan to use these contributions to continue our mission:

  • Build an improved storage hub for restroom and shower needs. With dozens of youth utilizing the Star House for all of their hygiene needs, this cannot be overlooked. Health and self esteem are tied to hygiene and this will give our guests an easier and better experience.
  • Purchase hanging racks and shelving for our new daily needs room. This will allow us to maintain organization and better use of volunteer hours, streamlining the process of providing youth with their urgent needs.
  • Purchase a phone charging kiosk for youth as most of those we serve relay on their cell phones to be able to access resources they need. A kiosk also provides individual locking compartments that youth can charge their phones inside of without fear of losing their property.
  • Any funds left over from the above projects will be utilized 100% for our youth.

Scholarship Opportunities for Success

Scholarship Opportunities for Success

We had sixteen wonderful charities from which to select,and it narrowed down to three to make presentations at the 1/3/18 meeting:  Scholarship Opportunities for Success (SOS), The PEER Center and Worthington Resource Pantry.  In a close vote, SOS was selected.

SOS will raise award amounts for our best students and/or increase the number of scholarships available.  There are scholarships and financial aid available to these women, but there are gaps that make school impossible.  Most of our recipients are single mothers who are struggling to make ends meet.  Many women have been in abusive relationships, homeless, recovering from addiction and found courage to get help.  

In 2017 we awarded $70,000 to 20 women.  How could they work, go to school, take care of kids, pay for books or a computer, and study?  SOS grants allow students to pursue educational goals by giving them the financial backing they otherwise would not have.  

By supplementing expenses associated with education, such as child care, transportation, school supplies, fees, and computers, grant recipients have the tools needed to continue their schooling.  SOS believes that through education, these women can become more economically self-sufficient and less dependent on public funds.

The Family Mentor Foundation

The Family Mentor Foundation

Congratulations to the Family Mentor Foundation.  They were awarded approximately $14,000 tonight from the 100 Men Who Give A Damn at the organizations first general meeting which was held at Worthington Hills Country Club. 


Family Mentor Foundation began in 2013 with a mission to create services and partnerships that help fill in the areas lacking in a child’s life. Today, Family Mentor Foundation seeks to help meet the unmet needs of children in our community through a variety of programs and resources that will help them to reach their full potential.

Money Given To Date

Over $300,000