
September 15, 2020
1:00PM - 2:00PM

Gaining More Control of the Sales Process

Presenter: Jim Pancero, CSP, CPAE

Help your team gain more control (and consistency) to their selling structures and processes. You will learn the critical importance of the selling control gained when your team follows the steps of a sales call. We will also discuss how the detailed eight steps of the distribution “Identify to Close” selling process can help your team think and plan more moves ahead than your competitors.

Learning Objectives:

Presenter:  Jim Pancero, CSP, CPAE

Bio:  Jim is a Dallas based business-to-business sales and sales leadership expert and Hall of Fame professional keynote speaker and trainer. Jim has the leading-edge solutions you need to increase your team’s competitive advantage. A leading go-to sales and sales leadership strategist for over three decades, Jim has been influencing, guiding, and inspiring sales teams in more than 80 different industries to increase their sales, market share, and profitability.

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