Complete Story


Colin Dees


As a past executive in the distribution industry, Colin has worked with several distributors to help streamline their customer pricing and profitability, purchasing and replenishment, warehouse management, transportation, and installing business intelligence tools to measure every day goals and objectives. 

In addition, Colin is a current Ph.D. student at Clemson University.  Dees Consulting was formed in 2019 to support and drive business growth for progressive companies that want to keep their business moving in the right direction. 

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Mastering Import and Export Management: Edition 3

Thomas Cook

Mastering Import and Export Management: Edition 3

With billions of dollars generated annually, importing and exporting is a  potentially lucrative arena for growth—and a bewildering tangle of  rules and regulations. Packed with hundreds of cost-effective  strategies, ready-to-use forms, and valuable checklists, the 3rd edition explains how to  efficiently— & legally —navigate the complex world of international  trade documentation accurately and more.

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