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007. How to Digitally Transform to Track KPIs for Distributors (morning)

Instructor: Ken Novak

Level of Complexity: Foundational 
10:15 AM - 12:30 PM

Transformation is more than an eCommerce or IT project. It is literally changing the internal processes of employees by mirroring the process (and matching the expectations) of your customers. It is shifting the mindset of every function within the organization and "That is how we have always done it" is no longer good enough. It is no longer good enough because you are in the middle of a generational shift. The primary buying motion of thumbing through print catalogs with tech specs and part number tables is not how Gen X/Y and Millennials shop. Your customers’ digital standards are defined by their B2C experiences. Join me at this session to learn how to transform and how to measure the success of it. This session will help you measure return by tracking top-line growth and operating cost expense via digital.

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Strategic Pricing For Distributors: Tools and Rules for Building Higher Margins

Brent Grover

UID Book Store Covers

Experience shows that most distributors are leaving at least two percentage points of gross trading margin on the table. This translates into 2% of total sales. Many companies can ultimately achieve more. The improvement is attainable fairly quickly and has proven to be sustainable. Two percent is the difference between mediocre profit results and stellar performance!

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