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9:00AM - 4:00PM

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November 8, 2024
9:30AM - 11:30AM

Public Affairs Committee

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Section 1. Appointment

All standing and ad hoc committees of this Association shall be appointed by the President with the approval of the Board of Directors. Terms of appointment shall be for one year. Members serving on committees shall serve without compensation but are entitled to reimbursement of necessary expenses as determined by the Board of Directors.

Section 2. Standing Committees

The Association shall have the following standing committees:

A. Nominations

The Nominations Committee shall present to the membership at the opening business session of each annual meeting a slate of candidates for each office to be filled by election at the annual meeting. Any member meeting the qualifications outlined in this Code of Regulations may become a candidate for an office by submitting to the nominations committee a request to be placed on the ballot for a respective office.

The immediate past president shall chair the nominating committee. The immediate past president and nominating committee members shall not be eligible for nomination for any office on the ballot in the year in which they serve on the nominating committee. The president shall appoint two (2) members from the board of directors and three (3) additional members at large from the Association membership to provide for representation from all of the association districts.

The Nominations Committee shall assure that each nominee meets the qualifications for office as provided in this Code of Regulations with respect to Article V of the Code of Regulations.

In the event that there is a vacancy in a District Director, the Nominations Committee will organize and election of the primary members of that district to elect a new District Director within 60 days of the vacancy. Such elections may be conducted by regular US mail, or electronic ballot. The elected District Director will serve the remainder of the unexpired term of vacated District Director.
Current Chairperson: Corey Hamilton, Zanesville-Muskingum County Health Commissioner

B. Public Affairs

The Public Affairs Committee shall review legislation of public health interest and concern introduced in the U.S. Congress or the Ohio General Assembly and Ohio Administrative Rules affecting public health and recommend positions on such proposed legislation and rules to the Board of Directors. The President-Elect shall serve as the chair of the Public Affairs Committee.
Current Chairperson: Julianne Nesbit, Clermont County Health Commissioner

C. Resolutions

The Resolutions Committee shall receive all resolutions submitted by any member, shall conduct open hearings on each resolution during the regular or special meeting and shall report a recommendation on each resolution to the members at the business session of each meeting.
Current Chairman:

D. Program

The Program Committee shall plan and promote the educational program for the fall educational conference of the Association and shall secure continuing education credits for the meeting from appropriate professional organizations. The Vice-President shall chair the program committee.

The committee shall submit an estimate of program expenses and recommend registration fees to the Board of Directors for approval.
Current Chairperson: Angela DeRolph, Perry County Health Commissioner

E. Code of Regulations

The Code of Regulations Committee shall annually review this Code of Regulations and may propose such amendments as are deemed necessary, shall draft amendments as proposed by the Board of Directors and shall review all proposed amendments for proper language and consistency with the remainder of the Code of Regulations. The committee shall report a recommendation on all proposed amendments to the primary members prior to a vote on the proposed amendments.
Current Chairperson: Jim Adams, Canton City Health Commissioner

F. Public Health Preparedness (BTeam)

The Public Health Preparedness Committee (BTeam) shall review and make recommendations for public health preparedness activities. This committee shall work closely with the Ohio Department of Health in the development of grant programs that support preparedness activities on both a local and state level. This committee will develop and recommend any concurrence required by federal or state grants from local public health.
Current Chairperson: Terry Allan

G. Finance

The Finance Committee shall be convened annually by the treasurer to prepare the association budget for the next fiscal year for approval by the Board of directors. The finance committee shall be comprised of the executive committee, the executive director and, at the discretion of the treasurer, additional member(s) from the Board of Directors.
Current Chairperson: Krista Wasowski, Medina County Health Commissioner

Section 3. Special Committees

The President, with the consent of the Board of Directors, may appoint such other ad hoc or special committees as may be deemed necessary or appropriate to carry out the purposes and programs of the Association. Such committees shall confine their work to the purpose for which they were appointed and shall report to the Board of Directors. They shall not have the power of action unless such power is specifically granted by the action, which created the committee.