
May 17 - 19, 2024

Spring Conference

Alberta Clinical Hypnosis Society

Banff, AB


The Alberta Clinical Hypnosis Society has some very exciting training workshops this fall. No matter your experience with Clinical Hypnosis, we have a workshop for you.  These certifications are intended for registered health professionals including psychologists, social workers, nurses, physicians, dentists, counselors, and those in related healthcare fields. 


For more information and registration visit our website at:  


Spring Conference: This year we are excited to have Dr. Louis Damis, Ph.D, Diplomate with the American Board of Professional Psychology & Fellow of the American Academy of Clinical Health Psychology. Dr Louis will be teaching "Hypnosis for the Treatment of Developmental Trauma Disorders" as an experiential workshop where participants will have the opportunity to practice their skills with feedback from Dr. Louis.  

 Date: 17-19 May 24 

Location: Banff, AB 

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