PAC Contributions

The NC Board of Election oversees PACs and has a strict donation and reporting requirements. CAPA PAC is committed to adhering to these regulations to ensure that your donations are handled legally and ethically. Key rules are outlined below:

Will a contribution to the CAPA PAC limit what I give to candidates directly or to other PACs?

No. You may still make personal contributions directly to candidates or other PACs.

Are contributions to the PAC deductible on my federal or state tax returns?

No. Contributions to political action committees are NOT deductible.

From whom can the PAC solicit contributions?

Individuals may contribute to the PAC, but corporations/businesses are prohibited from donating to the PAC.

How much can I contribute?

  • The PAC may not accept, and a contributor may not give, more than $6,800 from a single donor per election. Therefore, if there is a primary and a general election, the PAC may receive $6,800 through the day of the primary and $6,800 from the day after the primary through the general election.
  • We do NOT accept cash donations. Please do not mail cash.

How can I contribute?

  1. By Personal Check: Donations may also be mailed to CAPA PAC, 1101 Haynes Street, Suite 209, Raleigh, NC 27604. Be sure to include the

    CAPA Pac Donation Form

    so that the PAC can comply NC State Board of Elections regulations.
  2. By Credit Card: Complete the required information below and click "submit". Once we have the necessary information, you will be brought to a page where you will then click the Donate button to donate through PayPal's secure server.