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CSCA 2023 - Record-high Submissions for ACES-J – Reviewers Needed

Hello ACES-J members!

I’m writing with exciting news & a heartfelt request. First, the AWESOME news: we have received a record number of submissions—16 papers and 7 panels! Based on our submissions, we’ll have 10 slots for sessions! We normally have 2-3 (including the business meeting), so this is huge! 

And that brings me to my request—which is truly heartfelt, b/c I really can’t do this on my own. I need your help. If you are interested in reviewing, please let me know 😃 You must be a CSCA member and at least ABD to be a reviewer. 

Reviewing details:

To reach those goals, I’ll need about 15 reviewers. The more volunteers we have, the less each of us will need to review.

I know every one of us is busy right now—probably busier than we’d like to be! 😊 But if you can carve out 30 min – 1 hr over the next 2 ½ weeks to review, that would be a MAJOR help to me and a great service to our Interest Group and our discipline.

Thanks so much for considering serving as a reviewer. 

Email me if you're interested:


Jenn Anderson, Ph.D. (she/her/hers)


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