Complete Story


CWPA March Update

A Monthly Update for Members

Dear colleagues,

Hello, happy almost-spring! We write this month with several opportunities to be recognized by CWPA through grants, awards, and leadership opportunities (see the list of FOUR items below). We also share information about upcoming CWPA event (another list of FOUR items, including info on our two big summer events--the workshop and conference). We send you big support as you continue in your semesters and hope to see you at upcoming CWPA events.

Opportunities for Recognition and Leadership

Opportunities for Learning

Please reach out to us if you’d like to discuss any aspect of CWPA–our emails are below!

Until next time, stay well!

Kelly Blewett, CWPA President,
Erin Lehman, CWPA Vice President, 
Amanda Presswood, CWPA Secretary,
Christal Seahorn, CWPA Treasurer, 

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