MICA YP Scholarship Contribution Form

MICA Young Professionals Scholarship Program

The Young Professionals Program offers a place for MICA Members who are 40 years of age or younger OR who have been in the Insulation Industry 5 years or less to network with peers, build leadership skills, gain industry information, and provide new ideas for the development of the association.

MICA believes firmly in encouraging the next generation of the Insulation Industry to participate and be heard. In order to facilitate this participation, the YP Committee has developed this Scholarship Program to offset costs of attending the annual MICA Fall Business Meetings.
The amount of each scholarship will be based on the amount of funding we are able to collect from MICA Members each program year. The goal is to be able to cover each recipient's registration and hotel expense for the Fall Business Meeting.
Each year a recipient from each category of membership will be selected: Merit Shop Contractor Members, Union Shop Contractor Members, and Associate Members. The committee will award these scholarships on a first come, first served basis.

Your company will receive recognition for your contribution in the MICA Messenger Newsletter, on the MICA Facebook page, and on signage at MICA events.

Please complete the following to make your contribution:
First Name:
Last Name:
MICA Member Company:
Company Address:
Best phone number to reach you:
Your Email:
Amount you would like to donate:
Once your form is submitted, we will process an invoice for your contribution amount and email it to you.
   - denotes required fields