
The Builders Exchange of Dayton (DBX) was created over 100 years ago as a single resource for area plans, project information and the latest industry news.

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Digital Plan Room

COVID-19 Information for Businesses in Ohio

PPP Loan Forgiveness Application

CLICK HERE to download Application

Bureau of Workers’ Compensation Payment Deferral

Ohio’s Bureau of Workers' Compensation (BWC) system is deferring insurance premium installment payments for March, April and May until June 1, 2020. For more information, visit

Health Insurance Premium Grace Period

All health insurers are required to provide the option of deferring premium payments, interest free, for up to 60 calendar days from each original premium due date. This means that employers can defer their premium payments for up to two months, giving them some relief on costs, while keeping their employees insured.

SharedWork Ohio

SharedWork Ohio allows business owners to cut employee pay between 10 percent and 50 percent and provides a portion of the benefit the employee would receive through unemployment to that employee. This program is designed to allow employers to reduce payroll costs during times of business decline, without having to lay off employees. For more information, visit

Transportation of Oversized Loads

The Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) has modified the process for haulers carrying heavy loads of essential goods. Generally, the state requires haulers with loads classified as “oversized” to seek advanced permission from ODOT before they are permitted to travel in and through the state. Haulers carrying essential goods can download and print the permit at The federal government has also cut red tape around obtaining or renewing Commercial Drivers’ Licenses and other licenses to prevent interruption of essential shipping. The Ohio Department of Public Safety and the Public Utilities Commission have adjusted their enforcement practices to avoid confusion.

Small Business Administration Economic Injury Disaster Loan

Ohio small businesses and nonprofits are now eligible to apply for up to a $2 million, low-interest loan through the SBA. Apply online at, which is recommended, or call (800) 659-2955 to have an application mailed to you.

Avoid COVID-19 Scams

The IRS has established a special webpage on to include all of the available tax-related information. This page will be updated as more information is available.

The Builders Exchange of Dayton (DBX) was created over 100 years ago as a single resource for area plans, project information and the latest industry news. Over the years, services expanded as membership grew, including a monthly publication, The Construction Journal, educational services, and the gala construction industry event of the year, Team Building Night. Check out the many ways the BX works for your business and your industry at the place the construction industry comes together!

Upcoming Events

 February 2025 
April 24, 2025
6:00PM - 9:00PM EDT

DBX Annual Meeting

with Administrative Professionals Recognition

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