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ECA - Community College Interest Group - Second 2010 Call for Papers


Eastern Communication Association

Community College Interest Group


The 101st annual convention of the Eastern Communication Association will be held at the Hyatt Regency Baltimore on the Inner Harbor, April 22-25, 2010.  The theme of this year's convention is "Charting a Course:  Meeting New Horizons."  As Janie Harden Fritz, First Vice President and convention planner, explains, this year's theme "invites members to cast a vision forward to what might spring forth with the meeting of new horizons, in the "between" of past and future, defining a new and ever elusive "now"... [as ECA begins it's second century] let this theme draw us forward to submit papers and panels that chart new courses to meet new horizons, imagining what our future may hold." 

With the theme in mind, I encourage you to submit your ideas for panels and roundtables to me by October 15, 2009.  At our business meeting in Philadelphia we discussed the following ideas for panels: introducing graduate students to teaching at a community college and overcoming the disciplinary perspective of the community college.  If you are interesting in these panel ideas, or if you have other ideas, please contact me at

A panel about professional development at the community college is being organized by Gary Eckles at Thomas Nelson Community College.  Contact him at if you are interested.

In addition to the panels, we will be presenting a roundtable discussion as part of the Focus on the Future Series being held at the convention.  If you are interested in being a part of the discussion, please let me know.

And, as always, we will be sponsoring the G.I.F.T.S. (Great Ideas for Teaching Students) program.  If you have a great idea and would like to be a part of the G.I.F.T.S. panel, please contact Jessica Papajcik at

Please submit your panels to me following the submission guidelines on the attached page. 

Thank you for your interest in the Community College Interest Group.  I look forward to hearing from you soon. 


Michelle Simpson
Community College Interest Group Co-Chair
Professor of Speech Communication
College of Southern Maryland
8730 Mitchell Rd. PO Box 910
La Plata, MD 20646
301 934-7868

Submission Guidelines 

Submissions should include: 

1. a detachable title page including names, mailing addresses, telephone numbers, email addresses and institutional affiliation of all participants 

2.  a thematic title for the program 

3. title for each paper or presentation 

4. a brief description of the program (75 word maximum). 

5. the following statement of professional responsibility: 

            "In submitting the attached paper or panel proposal, I/we recognize that this submission is considered a professional responsibility.  I/we agree to present this panel or paper if it is accepted and programmed.  I/we further recognize that all who attend and present at ECA's annual meeting must register and pay required fees." 

Send submissions to: 

Michelle Simpson
Languages and Literature
College of Southern Maryland
8730 Mitchell Rd. PO Box 910
La Plata, MD 20646 

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