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2025 ECA Convention Call for Papers Communication Law and Ethics Interest Group

Communication Law and Ethics Interest Group Call for Submissions, 2025
The 116th Eastern Communication Association Annual Convention
“Contemporary Problems, Creative Solutions”
Hyatt Regency, Buffalo, NY

March 26-March 30, 2025

Submission Deadline: October 16, 2024, 11:59pm PST

Known as the “City of Good Neighbors” for its welcoming and supportive community, Buffalo will be the site for the 2025 annual convention of the Eastern Communication Association. For the first time in 23 years, ECA will be held in the great state of New York! Please join us at the Hyatt Regency Buffalo from March 26-30, 2025, for the 116th ECA annual convention.

The Hyatt Regency is conveniently located in the heart of downtown Buffalo within walking distance to the waterfront, KeyBank Center, Buffalo Naval Park, Buffalo River Works, Canalside, and Shea’s Buffalo Theatre. The property offers several amenities for guests, including on-site dining, a fitness center, and a business center.
The Communication Law and Ethics Interest Group invites paper and panel submissions for ECA’s 116th Annual Convention. The 2025 convention theme is Contemporary Problems, Creative Solutions. In our ever-changing world, contemporary problems and issues need to be addressed with creative solutions. Communication Studies scholars and practitioners are well-positioned to offer theoretical and practical insights to address contemporary problems. First Vice President’s Special Programming will focus on the communication surrounding contemporary problems and potential solutions in various areas including social justice, Artificial Intelligence, higher education enrollment, undergraduate and graduate program development, curriculum changes, current political climate, health disparities, and workplace communication issues, among other areas.

You are encouraged to interrogate the following:

The 116th ECA convention will feature paper sessions, panel sessions, short courses, poster sessions, and roundtables. The Communication Law and Ethics Interest Group will feature paper sessions, panel sessions, and roundtables. This will be an exciting opportunity for all individuals who teach or direct the communication ethics and law courses at their respective institutions to engage with each other by sharing innovative research, pedagogical strategies, and program initiatives.

ECA utilizes Attendee Interactive to manage submissions and reviews. ( To submit your work, you will be prompted to login using ECA-specific credentials or prompted to create a new account (NOTE: Your login credentials are unique to ECA – you may not use credentials you may have created for other associations, such as NCA, that uses Attendee Interactive). 
Competitive Papers 

Submissions of completed papers should be no more than 30 pages, excluding title page, abstract, references, and appendices. Completed papers should be written in accordance with standards set by the Chicago Manual of Style, the American Psychological Association (APA), or the Modern Language Association (MLA). All submissions of completed papers should be uploaded to Attendee Interactive and include the following: 

- The word “Debut” marked on all papers written by authors who have not presented previously at a regional or national convention.  
- Indicate “Student Paper” if the work is authored solely by graduate or undergraduate students. 
- Special designations (debut and/or student) will appear both on the title page of the manuscript and in Attendee Interactive. 
- Title and abstract: The abstract should appear on the second page of the document and be entered separately into Attendee Interactive. 
- A statement of professional responsibility on the title page: In submitting the attached paper or proposal, I/We recognize that this submission is considered a professional responsibility. I/We agree to present this panel or paper if it is accepted and programmed. I/We further recognize that all who attend and present at ECA’s annual meeting must register and pay required fees.  
- If the paper has multiple authors, please indicate who will be presenting at the convention in Attendee Interactive. 
- Special Requests/Requests for AV: Please enter this information into Attendee Interactive. Due to cost, AV will be limited. 
- Final paper with all identifying information removed for blind review. (Microsoft provides instructions for removing personal information from Word documents at  
Program/Panel or Roundtable Proposal 

All program/panel submissions should be uploaded to Attendee Interactive and include the following:
- A thematic title for the program.  
- Names of the chair and respondents (if any). Chairs should not also be designated as respondents.  
- Names, mailing addresses, telephone numbers, email addresses, and institutional affiliations of all participants.  
- Titles and abstracts for each paper or presentation.  
- A program copy (no more than a 75-word description) as it should appear in the final program.  
- A detailed rationale for the program/panel.  
- A statement of professional responsibility: In submitting the attached paper or proposal, I/We recognize that this submission is considered a professional responsibility. I/We agree to present this panel or paper if it is accepted and programmed. I/We further recognize that all who attend and present at ECA’s annual meeting must register and pay required fees. 
- Special Requests/Requests for AV: Please enter this information into Attendee Interactive rather than note any special requests on your description or rationale. Due to cost, AV will be limited. 
- Information about Roundtable Discussions: a program featuring 5-8 presenters who briefly share a position paper or summary of recent research on a focused topic moderated by a chair with “on-the-spot” interaction and discussion by participants and audience. Please indicate whether the panel is a “roundtable” during the Attendee Interactive submission process. 

All paper and program/panel submissions should be uploaded to and processed through Attendee Interactive (at ECA | Conference ( 

The Law Communication and Ethics Interest Group is also in need of volunteer reviewers, chairs, and respondents. If you are willing and able to serve in any of these capacities, please email me at

For questions about submissions to the Communication Law and Ethics Interest Group, please contact the Communication Law and Ethics Interest Group Program Planner (Noura Ahmad Hajjaj, Duquense University) via email for further information:

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