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ECA 2015 Convention - Interpersonal Communication Interest Group - Call for Submissions Reminder

Don’t miss the chance to participate!

Second Call for Papers

Interpersonal Communication Interest Group

106th Annual ECA Convention

Deliberation: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

April 22-26, 2015

Submission deadline: Wednesday, October 15, 2014 at 11:59 EST

Email for submissions:

Email for questions:

The ECA Interpersonal Communication Interest Group seeks individual paper, panel, and round table discussion submissions for the 106th Annual ECA Convention. Submissions should be of interest to those who study and teach about Interpersonal Communication. In the spirit of the conference theme of “Deliberation,” we wish to highlight completed papers and deliberative, audience-drawing and audience-involved panels that do not necessarily include the conference theme in their titles but encourage public consideration of ideas or debate the merit and direction of our scholarship and pedagogy.  Please see the ECA general call for papers for more details about the convention and Philadelphia.

Please keep the following details in mind as you prepare to submit your work to the Interpersonal Communication Interest Group:

                  Individual Paper: A single completed paper that reports original research, an extensive literature review, and/or other form of scholarship.

                  Panel: A finished grouping of papers, projects, or speakers where typically three to four panelists will present individual completed papers on a specific topic area. Each panel should have a chair and respondent(s) as deemed by the panel.

                  Round table discussion: A program featuring 5-8 presenters who briefly share a position paper or summary of recent research on a focused topic moderated by a chair (deemed by the submitters) with “on-the-spot” interaction and discussion by participants and audience.

o   Willingness to participate in a Spotlight Session

o   Indication of any debut presenters/participants

o   An asterisk should identify the presenter for each paper or panel/roundtable portion

o   Request for any audio visual provisions. (Audio visual provisions are subject to availability.)

o   The following statement of professional responsibility must be included in the abstract page of all papers or title page of all other types of submissions:

“In submitting the attached paper or proposal, I/We recognize that this submission is considered a professional responsibility. If this submission is accepted and programmed, I/We agree to register for the 2015 ECA Convention, pay fees, and present in Philadelphia. I/We understand that presenters with last minute emergencies must make arrangements as possible for an alternate presenter as well as communicate their absences to both the Interest Group Planner and ECA VP; no shows will be removed from the official program.”

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