
October 20, 2021
5:30PM - 6:30PM

Accidental Leaders: Betty Ford and Nancy Reagan Speak Out on Breast Cancer

Join us on Wednesday, October 20 at 5:30pm EDT

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Join us on Wednesday, October 20 at 5:30pm EDT for:

Accidental Leaders: Betty Ford and Nancy Reagan Speak Out on Breast Cancer

Introduced by Anita Mc Bride ... Panelists Dr. Myra Gutin on Betty Ford, and Jeanne Ryan Wolfson on Nancy Reagan, will be joined by Ambassador Nancy Brinker, - pioneer in the global breast cancer movement who will offer opening comments on  the leadership of first ladies in the fight to end this disease.

In September 1974, First Lady Betty Ford was diagnosed with breast cancer. She made a decision to go public with the announcement of her medical problem and became an accidental spokeswoman for the issue. Her forthrightness and advocacy encouraged thousands of women to have mammograms, and get more information about breast cancer, resulting is saving many lives. In October of 1987, First Lady Nancy Reagan was diagnosed with breast cancer and came out publicly, but was criticized by some for her treatment decisions which she defended. Both first ladies gave speeches about breast cancer, helping to bring cancer and its treatment out of the closet.  This program will analyze the leadership of both first ladies in the evolving conversation about women’s health.

Ambassador Nancy G. Brinker, pioneering  leader of the global breast cancer movement will share her experience of working together with first ladies Betty Ford and Nancy Reagan, as well as other first ladies , to fulfill the promise she made to her sister Susan G. Komen to end the shame, pain, fear and hopelessness caused by this disease. Since its founding in 1982, Komen for the Cure is the largest grassroots network of breast cancer survivors and activists.

Please CLICK HERE to view the program live.  You will also be able to view the recording after the event.

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